About us

Zoo keepers

Here is the list of current STAP Zoo keepers.

Antoine Bak

Inria Paris

Morten Øygarden

Simula UiB

Aurélien Boeuf

Inria Paris

Léo Perrin

Inria Paris

Clémence Bouvier

Ruhr Universität Bochum

Atharva Phanse

Simula UiB

Irati Manterola Ayala

Simula UiB

Håvard Raddum

Simula UiB

How to help us

The website is still under development. The list of primitives and the underlying security analysis are therefore not exhaustive. Besides, not all primitives are equally described at this time, for which we apologize. We are doing our best to make this website as complete as possible.
If you have any feedback, comment, or suggestion of relevant work that we may have missed, please contact us at stap-zoo-keepers@inria.fr.

Mailing list

After the STAP workshop, a mailing list was set up for academic discussions on new results and open problems related to STAP.
You are welcome to join it!
